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All News and Forthcoming Events

The ARC Meet the Author & Illustrator Event is on the 11th November at the beautiful Stratford upon Avon Town Hall. The event starts at 1.30pm and runs until 5pm. We have put together an extraordinary list of this town's brightest literary and graphical talents, so please bring your family and friends and come along to meet and talk to the authors and illustrators about their work,  listen to extracts from their books and watch live illustrations created especially for you.

Here is the full list of participants:

  • Andrew Anderson 

  • J A Crawshaw

  • Connie Ramsay Bott

  • Bethan Sennett

  • Beryl Anne Hughes 

  • Ken Morgan

  • Charlotte Douglas

  • J J Franklin

  • Frances Schoonmaker

  • Charlotte Jones

  • Jessica Hartshorn

  • Lauren Anderson

  • Jann Tracy

  • Ellie Stevenson

  • Bren Littlewood

  • Celia Tandy

  • Jenny McDonald

  • Sarah Papworth

  • Viv Scholes

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